Franca Cortina Triassi

Franca Cortina Triassi

7 septembre 1950 - 3 mai 2021

Après une bataille courageuse contre le cancer, c’est avec une profonde tristesse que nous annonçons le décès pacifique de Franca Cortina Triassi, fille de Vittoria Di Vincenzi et Armando Cortina, le lundi 03 mai 2021 à l’âge de 70 ans. Elle laisse derrière elle son mari bien-aimé et l’âme sœur, Pietro Triassi, et ses quatre enfants Josie, Vicky (Darren Carmosino), Rita (Vince Farruggia) et Paolo (Sabrina Samaroo). Elle laisse également derrière elle ses six petits-enfants Victoria, Michael, Olivia, Julia, Daniela et Pietro qu’elle adorait énormément. De plus, elle laisse derrière elle sa sœur, Anna (Antonio Iaboni), sa belle-sœur Rita (Antonino Rizzuto) et Stella (Jack Triassi), ainsi que toutes ses nièces, neveux, tantes, oncles, cousins ​​et de nombreux amis spéciaux. 

On se souviendra toujours d’elle pour son énergie et sa force incroyables.  Elle était très gentille et traiterait instantanément toute personne qu’elle rencontrait comme une famille.  Elle laisse un immense vide dans la vie de tous ceux qui l’ont connue, mais son beau sourire et son esprit resteront à jamais gravés dans nos mémoires. ❤️

Vous pourrez suivre une diffusion en direct avec un lien posté et l’heure à compter du 7 mai.

En raison de la pandémie de Covid19 et pour des raisons de sécurité, la famille a décidé de maintenir un visionnement privé, la famille souhaite vous exprimer ses sentiments les plus sincères.


En raison de la pandémie de Covid19 et pour des raisons de sécurité, la famille a décidé de maintenir un service privé, la famille souhaite vous exprimer ses sentiments les plus sincères.

S'il vous plaît, sentez-vous libre de signer le livre de condoléances

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  1. Our sincerest sympathies to the Triassi family. May God comfort you during this difficult time.

  2. Condolances to the Triassi and Cortina family
    Conciatori Franco and family

  3. Pietro e famiglia. Condoglianze a tutta la Famiglia … Possa lei riposare in pace e vegliare su tutti voi. Le nostre preghiere sono con tutti voi. 🙏

  4. Peter Paolo and Family… Our sincere deepest condolences.. We are deeply sadden for your loss. May she rest in peace and watch over you all. May you all find peace and comfort. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. 🙏🙏

  5. It is with deep sadness that we learn of the passing of your dear wife Franca.
    While we can only imagine what your family is going through we offer you our prayers for the loss you suffered. During this sorrowful time, may the love of family and strength from friends provide you comfort.
    We’re sorry that the current situation restricts visitation so please accept our sincerest and heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
    May Franca rest in peace in the arms of our Lord and may He give your family the strength to bear this untimely passing.
    God bless and comfort you all.

  6. Our deepest condolences from our family to yours. We will cherish the memories we had together forever ❤️

  7. Our deepest condolences from our family to yours. We will cherish the memories we made together forever ❤️

  8. Our deepest condolences from our family to yours. We will cherish the memories we had together forever . ❤️

  9. Heartfelt condolences to the Triassi and Cortina Families. You are in our thoughts and prayers during these most difficult times.

  10. Condoglianze a te Pietro e alla tua famiglia. Siamo veramente dispiaciuti per la tua perdita.

  11. Our deepest sympathies on the loss of your beloved wife, mother & grandmother.
    Franca will be sadly missed by all who knew her. May she Rest In Peace.
    Condoglianze a Pietro e sua famiglia.
    Ugo & Anna Celli

  12. To Pietro and family,
    We are extremely saddened by this terrible news! Our deepest condolences to you all during this difficult time. May she Rest In Peace! ❤️
    From Raimonda, Maria, and Rosalia Gagliano and family!

  13. Our deepest sympathies on the loss of your beloved wife, mother& grandmother.
    Franca will be greatly missed by all who knew her.
    May she Rest In Peace.

  14. Sincerest condolences to the Triassi and Cortina families. Our thoughts and prayers are with in these most difficult times. She was a most kind and warm person that was appreciated by all that met her. She has left a void but I know that she will live on forever in your hearts.

  15. Our deepest condolences to the Cortina and Triassi families for your loss. Peter, Paolo, Vicky & Darren, Olivia, and Daniela, our thoughts are with you and your family <3

  16. It is with deep sadness that we learn of the passing of your dear wife Franca.
    While we can only imagine what your family is going through we offer you our prayers for the loss you suffered. During this sorrowful time, may the love of family and strength from friends provide you comfort.
    We’re sorry that the current situation restricts visitation so please accept our sincerest and heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
    May Franca rest in peace in the arms of our Lord and may He give your family the strength to bear this untimely passing.
    God bless and comfort you all.

  17. My Sympathies to the whole family
    Claudio Guerrera and Giovanna Patrinostro

  18. We as your neighbours (Farhad and Gina and our children) would like to extend our deepest and most sincere condolences to you Peter and your four children along with your grandchildren and all other members of both your family and Franca’s family. We are deeply saddened. We will always remember Franca’s friendliness, liveliness and positive energy. Although we didn’t have a chance to know her very well from across the street, it felt like we had always known her. We offer her and your families our prayers. May she rest in heavenly peace in the grace of God and may God give you and all your families strength and courage during this difficult time.