Nicolo Milioto

Nicolo Milioto

1 Dicembre 1949 - 30 Aprile 2021

È con profonda tristezza e dispiacere che annunciamo la scomparsa di Nicolo Milioto, figlio di Calogero e Maria Milioto, venerdì 30 aprile 2021, all’età di 71 anni. Nato e cresciuto a Cattolica Eraclea (Sicilia) prima di trasferirsi a Montreal all’età di 18 anni per iniziare la sua eredità. È morto circondato dai suoi cari.

Lascia la sua amata moglie Dorotea Milioto e le sue cinque figlie che erano il suo orgoglio e gioia, Maria (Mario), Caterina (Felice), Annetta (Marco), Cettina (Nizaar) ed Elena (Giuseppe). Si lascia anche alle spalle, con grande tristezza, gli undici nipoti che ha amato profondamente, Antonio, Giuliana, Filippo, Nicola, Angelo, Sofia, Layla, Sara, Giancarla, Girolamo e Nicolo. Inoltre, lascia i suoi fratelli Maria (Giuseppe), Anna (Lorenzo), Antonino (Piera) e Angela. Mancheranno Nicolò anche Caterina, Frank (Elsa), Concetta (Leonardo) e Pina (Leo).

Nicolo era un uomo che ha vissuto la sua vita con autenticità, coraggio e rispetto. Ogni persona che ha incrociato il suo cammino, se n’è andata con un pezzo della sua saggezza.

La sua famiglia e i suoi amici lo ricorderanno come un padre di famiglia laborioso, amorevole e leale. Certamente amava di tutto cuore la sua famiglia e i suoi amici.

A causa delle attuali circostanze del Covid-19, martedì 4 maggio 2021 si terrà un funerale privato presso il “Complexe Funéraire Loreto”.

Per coloro che lo desiderano, un webcast in diretta del servizio funebre sarà disponibile martedì 4 maggio 2021, alle 13:00. de la messa  a :

Al posto dei fiori, si possono fare donazioni in memoria di Nicolo Milioto alla Fondazione CHU Sainte-Justine:



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  1. My deepest condolences to all family. My dad had a great respect for your father and only spoke of him in the highest regards. He was available when my dad needed him. A loss of a husband and a father is never easy but with the beautiful memories you all have, will always keep him alive in your hearts.
    Our deepest condolences
    Tony Nini & Nancy Omobono

  2. In times of loss and sadness, let the memories of your wonderful father bring you comfort.

    Love you all

  3. We offer our condolences for the loss of your father. We wish you and your family peace and comfort during this difficult time.

    Love you all

  4. Chère Dora et toute la famille,
    C’est une perte terrible, un vide effroyable car il était le pilier de la famille! Nous partageons votre douleur et nous vous envoyons toute notre affection en ce triste jour. Nous sommes tous proches de vous par la pensée. Il a peut-être quitté cette terre mais, il ne vous quitteras jamais car il est toujours vivant dans vos cœurs et vos souvenirs. Nos sincères condoléances
    Donato&Carol, Daniel et famille, Claudia et famille xoxo

  5. Our sincerest condolences for your loss. May the cherished memories you all hold of him comfort you in the days ahead.

    You are all in our thoughts❤️

  6. Our sincere condolences to the Milioto family. May he Rest In Peace. Franca & Giuseppe Caltagirone.

  7. A toute la famille Milioto et Caterina nous offrons nos condoléances et sympathies pour le décès de votre père. Nous partageons votre peine et votre douleur en ce temps douloureux !Et nos meilleures pensées vous accompagnent!

    Ginette et Daniel

  8. Wishing you our sincere condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

  9. Our Condolences to the Family and to those that Loved the Smiling Gentleman that Nicola was. God Bless his Soul and May his Memory be Eternal. He will truly be missed but, he will continue to Smile and Protect over his Loved Ones forever!
    Our prayers and hugs are with you all!
    Rosella, John and Leonidas Daras

  10. Nick was warm and friendly and had the most beautiful smile. I know he will leave a void in your lives but I hope your memories of him will bring you comfort and ease your suffering. He will never be forgotten.

  11. My uncle. There is no other like you. I will for ever be grateful for All the values you teached me growing up. Your smile light up the room. You were always so welcoming. So grateful for you. oh all the laughs and love you gave to everyone. It was contagious. Your words of wisdom are engraved in my heart for ever. You were our protector thank you so much for always making me feel so safe. Family was always first. And will always be first. Rest In Peace my amazing. Hard working zio coco. Love you always xoxo

  12. Our deepest condolences to you all for your loss. May the cherished memories you hold of him comfort you in the days ahead.

    You are in our thoughts❤️.

  13. Sad to hear the bad news.We send our deepest condoléances to all the family.

  14. My condolences to the entire family on Nicolo’s passing, may he rest in peace.

    Sal Iacono

  15. Our deepest condolences to all the family . So sorry for your loss . May he rest in eternal peace

  16. Today and always, may loving memories bring you peace, comfort, and strength.
    Sincere condolences,
    Mario and Rosanna

  17. Our sincere condolences to you Dora and the whole family. He will be your guardian angel that will watch over you all. RIP 🙏🏻

    On behalf of myself and the Rotiroti family

  18. Caterina ,
    Mes sincères condoléances a toi et a toute ta famille. Prend grand soin de ta mère chérie , Dorotea, et que les souvenirs des moments heureux vécus en famille puissent habiter vos pensées et vous apporter paix et amour.
    Bon courage
    Louis Martel