Mariantonia D’Urso Napoletano

Mariantonia D’Urso Napoletano

29 Gennaio 1937 - 28 Dicembre 2023

È con il cuore pesante che annunciamo la scomparsa di Mariantonia Napoletano (nata D’Urso), che ci ha lasciato il 28 dicembre 2023, all’età di 86 anni.

Amata moglie del defunto Vito Napoletano, madre amorevole e premurosa di Mina (Tony), Maggie (Gino), Angie (Louis), Mike (Cathy), Pina (Gil), amata nonna di Amanda (Patrick), Anthony (Judy) , Philippe (Amélie), Kristina (Vince), Michael (Samantha), Marie (Sandro), Marc (Felicia), Lara e l’adorante bisnonna di James, Vienna, Leo, Henri e Nico.

Mancherà molto ai suoi fratelli, sorelle, cognate, nipoti e nipoti. Ha portato calore e gioia a tutti coloro che la conoscevano. Era una madre, una suocera, una sorella straordinarie e, soprattutto, una nonna e una bisnonna amate. Essendo la roccia della nostra famiglia, lascia dietro di sé un’eredità di forza, tradizione e amore incondizionato. Vivrà per sempre nei nostri cuori.

Luogo di funerali

Il funerale avrà luogo il 4 Gennaio 2024 alle 11:00 presso Parrocchia della Madonna del Monte Carmelo (7645 Rue du Mans, Saint-Léonard, QC H1S 2A1), seguito dalla sepoltura in cimitero Le Repos Saint-François d'Assise (6893 Sherbrooke St E, Montreal, Quebec H1N 1C7)

Orario di visita

Complexe Funéraire Loreto
4975 Bd des Grandes-Prairies, Saint-Léonard, QC H1R 1A5
  • mercoledì, 3 Gennaio 2024
  • 14:00 - 17:00
    19:00 - 21:00
  • giovedì, 4 Gennaio 2024
  • 09:00 - 10:30

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  1. Am sorry to hear about Maria’s passing and judging from her beautiful smile, am sorrier we never met. Walk with the angels, Maria. Bernadette ( Debbie ) – in Blairstown, New Jersey. Grand-daughter of the late Nunzia ( Nancy ) Mongelli Delia, Brooklyn, New York.

  2. My deepest condolences to Pina, Gil, Lara and the entire family. A prayer for you all as you face this loss.

  3. My deepest condolences to Pina, Gil, Lara and the entire family at this most difficult time. I am very sorry for your loss.

  4. My deepest condolences to Pina, Gil, Lara and the entire family in this difficult time.

  5. Your mom was a beautiful and strong woman. I will miss her but I am happy that she is at peace in her husband’s loving arms. God bless her and your family.

  6. Our sincere condolences to all the family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time. Mary and Joe Buono

  7. To: Pina, Lara Marie

    My sincere sympathy to you and your family.
    May she RIP.
    Thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
    Big hugs.

  8. Pina, I send my most sincere condolences to you and your family. The gentle strength that was your mother will be missed but remembered in all your hearts!

  9. Partecipiamo al vostro dolore per la perdita della cara mamma.
    Un abbraccio a tutti Maddalena e Donato Schiraldi

  10. Dear Cathy and Mike: My sincere condolences to you and all your family. May she rest in eternal peace.

  11. Le nostre più sentite condoglianze per la perdita della cara zia Maria. Michele Schiraldi e famiglia.

  12. Our deepest condolences to you and all your family our deepest prayers are with you all may she rest in peace.

  13. Nessun muore affinché rimane nel cuore di chi resta.
    Un commosso abbraccio forte da Pino, Adele e famiglia

  14. Dear Maggie and family, my heart goes out to you all 😞 my deepest sympathy 🙏
    May God be with you and give you strength xox 🫂

  15. “Grief is the price you pay for love.”
    I hear that only time can heal grief, yet with every day that passes, it gets harder.

    Thank you for allowing me to experience what it feels like to have a Nonna, for always loving me and making me laugh. I miss your sense of humour and your smile every day. I miss our conversations in barese and your goodmorning texts. I miss your hugs and your voice.

    My condolences to everyone, Nonna has touched many hearts without even trying. Rest in piece my beautiful Nonnina. Ti voglio bene assai.


  16. May her soul rest in peace! She was an awesome lady, always smiling. That’s how we want to remember her. 💐