Iolanda Corbo Polletta

Iolanda Corbo Polletta

18 Luglio 1931 - 29 Gennaio 2022

È con il cuore pesante e profondo dolore che annunciamo la morte della nostra cara madre, Iolanda Corbo Polletta di Montréal, Québec. Dopo una prolungata malattia, è entrata serenamente in riposo il 29 gennaio 2022, all’età di 90 anni.  È stata preceduta nella morte dal marito di 46 anni, Luigi Polletta. Lascia i suoi figli amorevoli e devoti Josée Polletta di Montreal e Salvatore Polletta (Ingrid) di Brockville, Ontario e i suoi amati nipoti Marisa Polletta, Sam Polletta, Luke Polletta, Daniel Polletta e Lia Polletta e molti nipoti, nipoti e amici.

Iolanda è nata a Puglianello, Benevento, in Italia, il 18 luglio 1931. È immigrata in Canada nel 1954 e ha vissuto a Montreal, in Quebec. La sua più grande passione era la sua famiglia e soprattutto i suoi nipoti. Era un’abile sarta, una cuoca eccezionale e una giardiniera di talento. Si vantava spesso di poter coltivare qualsiasi cosa, e in effetti una volta ottenne una rosa dal gambo lungo per radicare e fiorire per molti anni.

La famiglia e gli amici possono inviare fiori e/o accendere una candela come gesto d’amore per lei. Apprezziamo se lasci un messaggio con un ricordo, se ne hai uno, alla famiglia nel libro degli ospiti su questa pagina commemorativa di Iolanda Corbo Polletta.

A causa delle restrizioni covid, si terrà una visione privata solo per i parenti stretti. La famiglia desidera porgervi i suoi più sentiti sentimenti.

Il 3 Febbraio ci sarà una trasmissione in diretta a partire dalle ore 9:00.

Luogo di funerali

Il funerale avrà luogo il 3 Febbraio 2022 alle 12:00 presso Complexe Funeraire Loreto ((4975 boul des Grandes Prairies, St-Léonard, QC, H1R 1A5)), seguito dalla sepoltura in cimitero Le Repos Saint-François d'Assise (6893 Sherbrooke St E, Montreal, Quebec H1N 1C7)

Per favore, sentitevi liberi di firmare il libro degli ospiti

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  1. We wish to extend our deepest condolences to Josée Polletta, Salvatore Polletta and their extended family. I remember your mother fondly on my many visits to the house. She was very warm and inviting and made you feel right at home. May she rest in peace and that her memory will always be in our hearts.

  2. With great sadness we extend our deepest condolences to you, Josie Sal and family for the passing of your beloved mother and our dear aunt. Hope that her memories will comfort you in this difficult time.
    Pasquale and Cosma

  3. Dear Giuseppina, Salvatore and Polletta Family:
    It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of your mother, Iolanda.
    Our prayers and thoughts are with you all during this time of mourning. Iolanda is now reunited with her husband, your father, in Heaven.
    Mothers are precious; may all the good memories of the time spent with your mother comfort you all.
    May Iolanda rest in peace with her dear Luigi.
    Sincere condoleances to the entire Polletta Family
    from Chantal & Gianni Di Re

  4. So sorry for your loss. Grief is the price we pay for love. May your wonderful memories give you peace in this difficult time of your lives.
    Joyce Ritskes

  5. Dear Sal and Giuseppina,

    Our sincerest condolences for you at this time. You have our deepest sympathy. We would also like to wish you peace, comfort, courage, and lots of love at this time of sorrow. Our hearts go out to you at this difficult time.

    Daniel and Doriana Polletta

  6. Dear Sal and Giuseppina,

    Our sincerest condolences for you at this time. You have our deepest sympathy. We would also like to wish you peace, comfort, courage, and lots of love at this time of sorrow. Our hearts go out to you at this difficult time.
    Daniel and Doriana Polletta

  7. Sal and family our deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved mother. May your memories sustain you during this difficult time. She is always with you. May she Rest In Peace

  8. Our sincere sympathy to you and your family, Sal. We keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

  9. Angela and Tony Romano wish to extend their deepest and sincere condolences to Josée Polletta and Salvatore Polletta and your family. They will cherish their many fond memories of Iolanda for years to come and are sorry to hear of her passing. Rest In Peace ❤️

  10. Dear Giuseppina and Salvatore,
    On behalf of myself and my mom, we are sending our deepest sympathies to you and your family.

    Mothers are the most valuable thing in our life. They are the blessing. Losing such kind of person is irreparable. Praying for you during the great loss! God bless you and comfort you. Surely, God will keep her in peace.

    Maria Carmela e Armida Battaglino

  11. My deepest condolences to you and your family during this time . A mother is with us always first in her life time then forever in our memory. She was an amazing person will always be in your hearts.

  12. My dear Giuseppina, Salvatore
    And family.
    To lose a loved one is like losing a piece
    Of ourselves, cherish the memories
    And stay close to all the ones we have
    Around us. It’s a step in life that no one
    Likes to do but unfortunately we all
    Go through.🙏
    My sincere condolences to the whole
    Family. Stay strong.
    Thinking of you

    Anne Marie Polletta
    Sergio Adornato