Giovanni De Luca

Giovanni De Luca

21 Novembre 1947 - 1 Novembre 2020

Luogo di funerali

Il funerale avrà luogo il 7 Novembre 2020 alle 16:00 presso Maria Ausiliatrice Church (8555, Maurice-Duplessis Street, Montreal (Qc) H1E 4C3), seguito dalla sepoltura in cimitero Notre Dame des Neiges (4601 Côte-des-Neiges Rd, Montreal, QC H3V 1E7)

Orario di visita

Complexe Funéraire Loreto
4975 boul des Grandes Prairies, St-Léonard, QC, H1R 1A5
  • venerdì, 6 Novembre 2020
  • 19:00 - 22:00
    00:00 - 02:00
  • sabato, 7 Novembre 2020
  • 14:00 - 15:15

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  1. Je n’ai que de bons souvenirs de John.
    Mes plus sincères sympathies à la famille et à ses proches.

  2. Our deepest condolences to the de Luca Family. We both knew John as a BMO colleague for many years. He was a good person. Sorry we never got the chance to connect in Florida as snowbirds and as discussed. R.I.P. dear Giovanni.
    Maria and Joe

  3. Sad to hear about John’s passing. We were colleges , friends and loyal BMO employees for over 35 years. May he rest in peace , well deserved. My sympathies to his family , I will always remember him as a good man with a big heart.

  4. Que de bons souvenirs au cours des années.
    Mes sincères condoléances à la famille.
    May you rest in peace.
    Bob & Mona

  5. Mes condoléances à toute la famille. J’ai travaillé avec M. De Luca dans les année 80 et j’en garde un très beau souvenir. Mes pensées sont avec vous en ces moments difficles.

  6. I would like to extend my sincere condolences to his family and friends..Rest on peace John

  7. My sincere condolences to Jonh’s family. What a nice colleague and gentleman to be working with at BMO.

  8. I have only the fondest of memories of knowing John
    A generous,kind and gentleman.My sincere sympathy to his family
    and loved ones

  9. I would like to extend my sincere condolences to his family and friends.. Rest in peace John.

  10. Nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille Et aussi à Lina Et les garçons. Je perds un fier collaborateur, fiable et généreux.
    Repose en PAIX.

  11. Nos plus sincères Condoléances à la Famille Et plus particulièrement à Lina Et aux garçons. Je perds un bon Ami,
    Sur qui je pouvais compter En toute circonstances. Tu vas nous manquer.

  12. Our deepest condolences to you and your family. You will be sadly missed. May you rest in peace. Ponari Family…

  13. My most sincere condolences to John’s family.
    Got to know and truly appreciate what a charming and warm individual he was when we worked together at Place D’Armes.
    We have lost a truly good person.

  14. J’ai de très bons souvenirs de John du temps de St-Pierre et St-Jacques, ainsi que depuis ce temps.

    Danielle et moi offrons nos condoléances à sa famille et à ses amis.

    Roger Grondin
    Danielle Lemay

  15. At this difficult time may you be conforted by your friends and loved one .Our sincerest condolences to you and your family.

  16. I had the pleasure of working with John at BMO. A true gentleman. His customers and colleagues loved him. A great man. You will never be forgotten. My condolences to the entire family.

  17. On behalf of my self and all the members of Club25BMO our deepest codoleances.
    En mon nom et celui des membres du Club 25 BMO nous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille.
    John était un collègue très apprécié à BMO et au sein du Club 25.Bon courage .
    Danielle Lamarche
    Présidente Club 25 BMO.