Elvira Reda Trozzo

Elvira Reda Trozzo

16 Aprile 1927 - 17 Gennaio 2021

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  1. My deepest condolences to the Trozzo/Chiappetta family. Nonnina was a very special person and I’m so very fortunate to have known her for all these years. A welcoming smile and a strong supportive hug were always just a walk away. Her presence will be greatly missed by the many people who’s lives she touched.

  2. Le mie piu sincere condoglianze alla vostra famiglia. Che Dio vi dia il conforto e la tranquilità che cercate e che l’anima di Zia Elivira riposi in pace.

  3. You are in my heart and thoughts at this time. I hope you always hold onto the warm and wonderful memories you share together and that they continue to bring you comfort and peace. xoxo

  4. Un dolore grande la perdita di zia Elvira, cara cugina. Io e Salvatore ti siamo vicini con tanto affetto. So che non può consolarti, ma se stata una figlia meravigliosa e zia vi ha lasciati circondata dal vostro amore, come lei desiderava. Possa il nostro abbraccio raggiungervi per farvi sentire il nostro calore. Lei vivrà per sempre nei nostri cuori. Rita e Salvatore ❤️

  5. My condolences to the entire family. Nonna will be missed. She was everyone’s Nonna when in her presence , always welcoming, smiling
    and lets not forget her amazing stuffed eggplants. She’d always remembered to put a few aside so i can enjoy at home. That is who she was, a generous and thoughtful soul. Grateful to have had the pleasure to know her. My thoughts are with you all xoxo!

  6. Esprimiamo le nostre più sincere condoglianze a te ed alla tua famiglia. In questo giorno così triste ci stringiamo a voi e condividiamo questo dolore.

  7. Vi siamo vicini con tutto il nostro affetto .! Nel dolore e nella preghiera.!
    Vi vogliamo un mondo di bene…!!


  9. We knew her simply as Nonna because she was just like our Nonna. Always sending us her special cookies and taralli’s. May she rest in peace and reunited with her husband. Although she will be missed she will live forever in our hearts.
    My deepest condolences to the family who loved her dearly.

  10. Non ci sono parole per descrivere quanto ci mancherà…! Adesso ci guarda dal cielo insieme a zio Nicola, nonno Luigi, nonna Armanda e tutti i nostri pezzi di cuore che ci hanno lasciato nel corpo, ma che non dimenticheremo mai. Che Dio li abbia in gloria e che possano sempre guardarci e proteggerci per tutto il resto delle nostre vite.
    Anche da lontano ci stringiamo a voi in un forte abbraccio.

  11. Do not mourn his absence because Aunt Elvira is still with you, feel close to him and talk to him again, he will love you every day from heaven as he loved you on earth.

  12. Siamo addolorati per la scomparsa di zia, vi facciamo le nostre più sentite condoglianze. A voi tutti mandiamo un grande abbraccio .
    Vi siamo vicini…
    Nadia, Domenico, Maya e Isabel..

  13. Dear Chiappetta/Trozzo Family-

    I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending you all warm hugs and wishing we could see you in this difficult time. I know Elvira is having dinner with Nonno, Nanna and Nicola up there, with a full table of delicious food. The world has lost a truly welcoming and loving woman.

    Thinking of you all, and hoping with time you will find some comfort in the memories. Xox.

  14. We once again want to express our heartfelt condolences for the loss of your dear Mother/ Grandmother/Great Grandmother, Elvira Reda Trozzo.
    She is once again free of pain and suffering and is now in the presence of God, reunited with all her beloved family and friends in the GRANDEST REUNION OF ALL.
    God Has Blessed Her and Give the Family Peace and Strength to Carry on until we all meet again.

  15. Keeping you all in my thoughts during this difficult time. Will be reminiscing all the precious memories with the family always.