Gerlando D’Orsa

Gerlando D’Orsa

2 Novembre 1934 - 29 Aprile 2024

È con il cuore pesante che annunciamo la scomparsa del nostro amato Gerlando D’Orsa all’età di 89 anni. Lascia i suoi tre figli, Francesco (fu Caterina Martorana D’Orsa), Carmelina D’Orsa (fu Alfredo Berlingieri), Annamaria D’Orsa (Saad Seghrouchni). Mancherà molto ai suoi nipoti, pronipoti, fratelli, famiglia e amici.

Luogo di funerali

Il funerale avrà luogo il 6 Maggio 2024 alle 12:00 presso Parrocchia della Madonna del Monte Carmelo (7645 Rue du Mans, Saint-Léonard, QC H1S 2A1), seguito dalla sepoltura in cimitero Le Repos Saint-François d'Assise (6893 Sherbrooke St E, Montreal, Quebec H1N 1C7)

Orario di visita

Complexe Funéraire Loreto
4975 Bd des Grandes-Prairies, Saint-Léonard, QC H1R 1A5
  • domenica, 5 Maggio 2024
  • 14:00 - 19:00
  • lunedì, 6 Maggio 2024
  • 10:00 - 11:30

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  1. Robert Roy ha detto:

    Mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille

  2. Tony et Pina Martorana ha detto:

    Nos sincères condoléances à la famille.

  3. Maria Badalamenti ha detto:

    My sincere condolences for the family. May he rest in peace. May the lord bring comfort to you all.

  4. Filomena Di Pietro ha detto:

    Dear AnnaMaria
    To all your family, my deepest sympathies for your loss. Your mom as well as your dad made us fell welcomed every time we stepped through their front doors. Their happiness was to have a full house and have everyone together. Know that he is in peace and reunited with your mom. God bless!

  5. Irina D’orsa ha detto:

    Mais sincères condoléances à toute la famille nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous 🤍

  6. Francis and Carmine DeLuca ha detto:

    My dear nieces and nephew: You dear mother and father loved each other so much, and from such a very young age, that dad didn’t want to be without my dear sister, your mom, his dear Gina any more. They are now together in heaven forever. I love you very much. Aunt Fran

  7. Susan LoGiudice Klein ha detto:

    Our deepest condolences for your loss. May the Lord comfort you in this time. Rest in peace Zio Giugiu. Together again with Zia Gina.
    Much Love,
    Susan and Richard Klein

  8. Frances Pistone DeLuca ha detto:

    My dear nieces and nephew and family. Your dear father has joined my dear sister, your mother in heaven. They loved each other so very much and from such a very young age, that being apart from his dear Gina was much too much. They are now together in heaven. I love you very much. Aunt Fran

  9. Eloo Argento ha detto:

    Sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

  10. Caterina Sciangula ha detto:

    My sincere condolences to the D’Orsa family. Sending you strength today and peace in all the days ahead.
    May he rest in eternal peace.

  11. Carmelina e Settimio Argento ha detto:

    Nos plus sincères condoléances a toutes la familles D’Orsa

  12. FRENNA ha detto:

    Sincères condoléances , nous partageons votre douleur , nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous . Courage.

    Lillo FRENNA et Marie-Thèrése LEJEUNE e Famiglia.

    Rue Croix Jurlet , 365

  13. Calogero Frenna ha detto:

    Sincères condoléances à toute la Famille , nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous , nous partageons votre douleur .

    Lillo Frenna e Marie-Thérèse Lejeune e Famiglia .

    Rue Croix Jurlet , 365

  14. FRENNA ha detto:

    Sincères condoléance à toute la Famille , nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous ,nous partageons votre douleur , courage .

    Lillo Frenna e Marie-Thérèse Lejeune e Famiglia

    Rue Joseph Clockers , 365