Mary D’Errico Norcia

Mary D’Errico Norcia

7 mai 1934 - 4 mai 2024

C’est avec le cœur lourd que nous annonçons le décès d’une femme remarquable, Mary D’Errico Norcia, à l’âge de 89 ans, épouse bien-aimée de feu Angelo Norcia.

Elle manquera beaucoup à son fils Terry (Paola), sa fille Anna (Joe), ses précieux petits-enfants, Catherine, Christina (Manny), Vanessa (Joey), Angelo, Angelo Joseph, Matteo et son arrière-petite-fille Emma.

Elle était la matriarche de la famille et on se souviendra d’elle pour sa force et son immense courage, sa sagesse, son travail acharné et sa délicieuse cuisine et pâtisserie. Sa famille était sa fierté et sa joie. Elle manquera vraiment à tous.

Riposa in pace Mamma. ♥

Lieu de funérailles

Les funérailles auront lieu le 15 mai 2024 à 11:00 à Our Lady of Pompei (2875 Rue Sauvé E, Montréal, QC H2B 1C6), suivie par l'inhumation au cimetière Notre Dame des Neiges (4601 Côte-des-Neiges Rd, Montreal, Quebec H3V 1E7)

Heures de visite

Complexe Funeraire Loreto
4975 boul des Grandes Prairies, St-Léonard, QC, H1R 1A5
  • mardi, 14 mai 2024
  • 14:00 - 17:00
    19:00 - 21:00
  • mercredi, 15 mai 2024
  • 09:00 - 10:30

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  1. Paolo and Onorina Di Gennaro dit :

    Our sincere condolences to All the family, she will be deeply missed and forever will leave in our hearts. May she rest in peace. Love you Comare🤍🕊

  2. Daniel Mightley dit :

    To Catherine and the entire Norcia family. Please accept our deepest heart felt condolences for your loss. May gods comfort and love hold you all tight.

    With all our love,

    Daniel & Silvia Mightley

  3. Angelo & Marie-Pierre Teoli dit :

    Dear Terry, Paola, Anna, Joe and to your entire family, Our Sincere Condolences. Dear Mary, your Love, Kindness, Courage, Positiveness, Honesty and the list is long of the beautiful person you are and that will always stay alive in our hearts. Rest in Peace

  4. Joshua Waisgrus dit :

    Sending my sincerest condolences to Angelo and the whole family.

  5. Nicola Rinaldi dit :

    An incredible loss. Condolences to all the family.

  6. Johnny Russo dit :

    Condolences to the entire family. I have so many fond memories of her. Her smile. Her laugh. Her warmth. Such a joy to be around. She will be greatly missed. May she Rest in Peace and shine down on all of you.

  7. Norma D’Errico dit :

    Dear Terry & Paola, Anna & Joey and family, I am so very sad to hear that your beloved Mother has passed. May you be comforted to know a Mother’s love is infinite and will continue each day. I know you have been left with so many loving memories that will be treasured always. Your Mother gave so much love to all of you, always caring and nurturing. Mary was a special person in my life and I will always remember how she welcomed me into her family with her happy spirit, kindness and love. Rest in Peace Mary, Love your sister-in-law Norma❤️

  8. Rosa Starnino Capparelli dit :

    My dear godmother Maria, was like a mother to me she especially helped me heal when my own mother passed away. I will love you forever. Rest in peace sending love to her Family. Rosa, Pat Capparelli and Family.

  9. Rosanna Norcia dit :

    Cara zia Maria, con tristezza abbiamo appreso la notizia. Il ricordo di una donna dolce ma determinata e profondamente legata alla famiglia e all’Italia resterà intatto. Un abbraccio fortissimo a tutti i cari, in particolare a Terry e ad Anna. Con tanto affetto.

  10. Rosanna Norcia dit :

    Cara zia Maria, con grande tristezza abbiamo appreso la notizia. Il ricordo di una donna dolce ma determinata e profondamente legata all’Italia e alla famiglia resterà sempre intatto. Un abbraccio fortissimo a tutti i tuoi cari, specialmente a Terry e Anna.

  11. Jackie Dipippo dit :

    Maria what a pleasure to have met you. I will always remember our meetings to McDonald’s . I also will keep your memories alive. Rest in peace until we meet again Maria. Safe voyage

  12. Gerry Deblin dit :

    Heaven is one angle richer today R I P

  13. Pina Starnino dit :

    Our deepest sympathies to Terry, Anna and their families . Comara Maria Norcia was such a wonderful lady. Gentle, kind and loving. We will miss her. Rest in peace.
    Pina Starnino and family

  14. Gina &Joe Di Cesare dit :

    We are deeply saddened by the loss of our Aunt Mary, our mother’s sister. She was always there in times of need . She will be greatly missed and our thoughts and prayers go out to her children and grandchildren.

  15. Nicky Curinga & Simon Smith dit :

    It’s with a heavy heart that we bid a fond farewell to our beloved Aunty Mary … My grandmother loved being her older sister & they had a great relationship that was beautiful to see. All 3 siblings & their parents are now back together in heaven & are having a wonderful family reunion. She will be greatly missed by her loving family