Francesco Martoccia

Francesco Martoccia

14 Marzo 1962 - 5 Maggio 2021

È con il cuore spezzato che annunciamo la scomparsa di Francesco Martoccia, il 5 maggio 2021, all’età di 59 anni.

Amatissimo marito da 34 anni di Concetta, mancherà profondamente ai suoi amati figli Marco (Nancy), Pietro (Claudia) e Matteo per i quali il suo cuore era pieno di orgoglio e gioia; i suoi nipoti Vittoria, Francesco e Diana che teneva molto; i suoi nipoti e nipoti, così come molti parenti e numerosi amici. È deceduto dal padre Domenico e lascia la madre Maria, che ha curato profondamente. La sua memoria vivrà per sempre nei nostri cuori.

A causa della pandemia COVID-19 e per motivi di sicurezza, la visita si terrà solo per i parenti stretti e si svolgerà un servizio funebre privato. Al posto dei fiori, donazioni alla Fondation Hopital Maisonneuve Rosemont – dipartimento di emodialisi.

Per chi lo desidera, giovedì 13 maggio 2021, alle ore 12, sarà disponibile un webcast in diretta del servizio funebre al seguente link:

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  1. Sinceri condoglianze a te Concetta e a tua famiglia.
    Silvana Passucci Boiardi e famiglia

  2. Mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille, nous gardons un si beau souvenir de toi mon cher oncle, ton calme, ta belle empathie, ta grande gentillesse lors de toutes nos rencontres familiales. Nous gardons un si beau souvenir de toi et nous pensons très fort à vous tous.

  3. My dear Frank…
    I’m really saddened by your
    sudden passing.
    I will always have good memories
    of taking classes with you and
    the early days of your relationship
    with Connie!
    May you rest in Peace.
    Our deepest Condolences
    to your family.
    From your cousin Diana and Denis.

  4. Our deepest condolences to all your family may he Rest In Peace
    Lucia Molinari and Teresa

  5. Ma très chère Connie, je suis vraiment désolée pour la perte de Frank, plusieurs mémoires vient à ma pensé à propos de notre amitié, parmi les visites chez toi pour nous rencontrer et toujours Frank a été très gentil envers nous, toujours agréable à partager avec nous, je suis triste, et même si a cause de cette pandémie, on ne s’est pas rencontré dernièrement, vous êtes toujours dans mon cœur et ma pensée, Assure-toi, que Frank sera dans mes prières et toi et tes enfants aussi, paix à son âme, consolation à toi Connie, Marco, Peter & Mattew, et à toute la famille, et que la lumière perpétuelle brille pour Frank 🙏🙏🙏
    Esther Alvarado et filles ♥️

  6. Sending our deepest condolences to the family. May he Rest In Peace, sending you all the courage and strength to get through this difficult time ❤️🙏🏻

  7. Dear Connie, Marco, Peter, Matthew and family… Our deepest condolences. May he rest in peace. Marco Costa family

  8. My deepest sympathies to you and your family Connie.My he Rest In Peace 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  9. Connie,
    My heart broke when I heard the news about the loss of Frank. I am hoping that all the fond memories that you have shared together will comfort you through this time of grief.
    My deepest sympathies to you and your family.
    May Frank be your guiding angel to watch over you in times of need 🙏
    Shanna and Yvan

  10. Matteo, Our deepest condolences to you and your family. Our thoughts are with you in this time of sorrow. May your dad Rest In Peace, Rosa & Mike Stallone 🙏❤️

  11. Dear Connie, Marco, Peter, Matthew and family,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Frank was a gentle, warm and loving person. Hold tight on all the memories.
    May Frank rest in eternal peace.
    “Those we have held in our arms for a short while we hold in our hearts forever.” – Author Unknown

    The Pavan Family

  12. Dear Connie, Marco, Peter, Matthew and family,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. Frank was a warm, gentle and loving person. He will be missed. May he rest in eternal peace. Please accept our deepest condolences.
    The Pavan Family

  13. Our deepest and heartfelt condolences and sympathies. We are very sorry for your loss.

  14. My Sincere Condolences to all the family , Frank you”ll be missed deeply John Porreca & Family