Chester Paprocki

Chester Paprocki

21 Gennaio 1932 - 6 Dicembre 2021

Chester Paprocki è morto il 6 dicembre 2021 con la famiglia al suo fianco.

Chester lascia la moglie di 60 anni Jozia, i suoi figli Halina e Marek, sua nuora Christina Woschitz, le sue bellissime nipoti Kassia e Alexandra. Un ringraziamento speciale a Dr.P.Karakiewicz e C.H.U.M. per l’incredibile cura e gentilezza.

Al posto dei fiori si possono fare donazioni al C.H.U.M. Dipartimento di Oncologia

Luogo di funerali

Il funerale avrà luogo il 11 Dicembre 2021 alle 14:00 presso Parrocchia St. Brendan's (3542 Bd Rosemont, Montréal, QC H1X 1K8)

Orario di visita

Complexe Funéraire Loreto
4975 Boulevard des Grandes-Prairies, Saint-Léonard, QC H1R 1A5
  • venerdì, 10 Dicembre 2021
  • 14:00 - 17:00
    19:00 - 21:00

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  1. Our deepest condolences to Christina, Marek and all the family.
    Antoinette and Felice Iagallo

  2. Mes sympathies à vous Joséphine et à toute votre famille. Ses amis du Centre EPIC demandaient encore régulièrement de ses nouvelles. Chester était un homme délicat et apprécié. Paix à son âme.

  3. Mes sympathies à vous Joséphine et à toute la famille de Chester. Ses amis du Centre EPIC prenaient toujours régulièrement de ses nouvelles. C’était un homme délicat et apprécié. Paix à son âme.

  4. Our deepest condolences to Jozia ,and the rest of the family, at every social interactions that we had he was very pleasant, kind, and easy to talk to, we enjoyed our conversations with him. May he rest in peace.

  5. C’est avec une grande tristesse que j’ai appris le départ de Chester.
    Nous avons travaillé ensemble pendant de longues années, au fil desquelles j’ai apprécié son professionnalisme, son énergie et sa délicatesse. Il nous manquera beaucoup, toujours. À vous, ses proches, j’offre mes plus sincères condoléances.

  6. Over the years, Chester became more than a good neighbour; he became a good friend to three generations of our family. His gentle, soft-spoken, helpful and unassuming presence will be greatly missed by us and all the members of our family who came to know, love and respect him. May he find everlasting peace.
    Jenny and Emilio