Raffaele Mirijello

Raffaele Mirijello

1 Settembre 1931 - 13 Gennaio 2022

A causa delle restrizioni covid, si terrà una visione privata solo per i parenti stretti. La famiglia desidera porgervi i suoi più sentiti sentimenti.

È con profonda tristezza e dolore che annunciamo la scomparsa di Raffaele Mirijello giovedì 13 gennaio 2022, all’età di 90 anni. È nato e cresciuto a Isca Sullo Ionio, Catanzaro (Calabria), prima di trasferirsi a Montreal nel 1955 per iniziare la sua eredità.

Gli sopravvive Mariettina Scicchitano, la sua amata moglie e anima gemella di 66 anni. Mancherà moltissimo ai suoi affezionati figli: Italia Ida (Cosimo), Saverio (Denyse), Rosella (Michele) e Claudio (Fatima). Lascia anche i suoi cari nipoti Alexia (Frankie), Ivana, Cynthia, Tanya, Vanessa, Melika, Pria e Deante.

Raffaele ha vissuto la sua vita con vitalità, coraggio e rispetto. Lo ricorderemo come un uomo laborioso che amava con tutto il cuore la sua famiglia, i suoi fratelli e sorelli e i suoi amici e rimarrà per sempre nei nostri cuori.

Al posto dei fiori, vi invitiamo a donare a FHMR (Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Foundation) “In Memoriam”, Dipartimento di Urologia o Nefrologia. https://www.fondationhmr.ca/en/donate/in-memoriam-donation/

Luogo di funerali

Il funerale avrà luogo il 19 Gennaio 2022 alle 13:00 presso Chiesa Marie-Auxiliatrice (8555 Bd Maurice-Duplessis, Montréal, QC H1E 4H7), seguito dalla sepoltura in cimitero Le Repos Saint-François d'Assise (6893 Sherbrooke St E, Montreal, Quebec H1N 1C7)

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  1. My heartfelt deepest condolences to all the family.
    Your dad’s sparking eyes and smile on the photo reveals who he was, full of life, funny, jolly good hearted man that was contagious whenever you saw him and will always be remembered for this. God rest his good soul.
    Courage and prayers are with you in this sad and difficult time.

  2. Our deepest condolences to all the family we will remember Raffaele for his genuine smile & always willing to help others
    What a great man he was
    He’ll be missed R.I.P. 🙏🙏🙏

  3. Nos plus sincère condoléance ma chère tante ,cousines et cousins. Nous avons été vraiment attristés de son départ . Nous garderons de lui ,d’excellents souvenirs car c’était une bonne personne qu’on a aimé . Il vas nous manquer .
    Gaetane,Marziale et la famille Mirijello

  4. Our deepest and sincerest condolences for your loss.
    Our prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
    Rosa and Luigi Taddei and Family

  5. Claudio and Fatima
    So sorry to hear about your loss. We offer our condolences to you both and the entire family .
    Gino and Dorina

  6. Carissima Zia Marietta e cari cugini tutti, E un profondo dolore la perdita del Zio Raffaele. Adesso questo tempo di buio e ancora piu scuro! Quanti ricordi dentro di noi! Il suo sorriso era e sera sempre una luce di vitalità e ispirazione. Coraggio, Rosa e Vincenzo Scicchitano e famiglia

  7. Our deepest and sincerest sympathies for your loss. Our prayers are with your family.
    Rosa and Luigi Taddei and Family

  8. Zio era una persona sincera, molto affettuosa e amata da tutti : di lui, conserveremo ricordi meravigliosi….Carissima zia, Ida, Rosella, Claudio, Sami e famiglia, siamo con voi in pensiero in questo momento doloroso. Le nostre più sentite condoglianze ! Penseremo a voi in questi momenti difficili. Con affetto, vostri nipoti Anna, Normand & famiglia

  9. My deepest condolences to the entire family! Uncle was an amazing man , that we all cherished so deeply! ❤️May he Rest In Peace . Love Sabrina, Peter and family xox

  10. My thoughts and prayers go out to my aunt Marietta and my cousins, Ida, Sami, Rosie and Claudio. Zio will always be remembered for his kindness and his great sense of humor towards all that had the privelege to know him. My mom, his beloved sister, Maria will never forget the sacrifices he made for her. He will be forever missed by all of us who loved him so. Eternal rest zio Raffaele!

  11. Our deepest sympathies to Claudio and your family.

    Zia Anna, Zio Antonio and Celestino Minotti

  12. We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our dear friend and “Compare”, Raffaele. We have fond memories of him. He had a profound sense of humility and optimism. He has been an inspiration to all of us and all of our lives have been enriched by his perpetual “joie de vivre”. He will be missed but he will always be remembered. We wish to extend our deepest sympathies and prayers to the entire family. May we commend his spirit to our Lord Jesus and we humbly pray that our Lord grants him eternal repose and peace.

  13. Extending our sincere condolences to you Zia and your family.
    Find comfort in knowing that Zio Raffaele’s loving nature touched all our lives and that he will remain in our hearts forever.
    Rosetta , Domenico and the Russo family.

  14. Our deepest sympathies. Zio was a remarkable man who touched all of our lives. I will miss his smile and joy of life the most. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  15. My deepest condolences go out to the Family of Raffaele. May he rest in peace and know that he lives in your hearts. God bless.

  16. Dear Claudio and Fatima,
    My deepest sympathies to you and the entire family. I’m very sorry for your loss.
    Mary Di Chiaro

  17. Our deepest sympathies to the whole family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Amy, Rico, Veronica and Alessandro