Cristina Perrotta Forgione

Cristina Perrotta Forgione

7 Aprile 1933 - 19 Gennaio 2024

Con profondo dolore, annunciamo la scomparsa della nostra amata madre e matriarca, Cristina Perrotta Forgione, il 19 gennaio 2024. Ha lasciato questo mondo pacificamente a casa sua, circondata dal calore e dall’amore della sua famiglia.

Cristina ha toccato la vita di molti. Il suo spirito compassionevole e il suo sorriso radioso hanno lasciato un’impronta duratura nel cuore di coloro che ha incontrato. Non era solo una madre devota e un’amica fedele, ma anche una fonte di forza e ispirazione.

Preceduta dal marito Antonio Forgione, l’eredità di Cristina continua attraverso i figli: Pino (Debra), Assunta (Jim), Adele (Marco) e Daniela. Era una nonna amata per i suoi nove nipoti: David, Emma, ​​Jake, Alexandra, Jordana, Lauren, Olivia, AJ e Will, che porteranno avanti le sue lezioni di gentilezza e resilienza.

Invitiamo calorosamente la famiglia, gli amici e coloro la cui vita è stata toccata da Cristina a unirsi a noi nel celebrare la sua straordinaria vita. Per onorare lo spirito di donazione di Cristina, la famiglia suggerisce che al posto dei fiori si facciano donazioni all’Alzheimer Society di Montreal.

Il 23 gennaio ci sarà una trasmissione in diretta a partire dalle ore 9:00.

Luogo di funerali

Il funerale avrà luogo il 23 Gennaio 2024 alle 11:00 presso L'église Notre-Dame-de-la-Défense (6800 Henri Julien Ave, Montreal, Quebec H2S 2V4), seguito dalla sepoltura in cimitero Le Repos Saint-François d'Assise (6893 Sherbrooke St E, Montreal, Quebec H1N 1C7)

Orario di visita

Complexe Funéraire Loreto
4975 Bd des Grandes-Prairies, Saint-Léonard, QC H1R 1A5
  • lunedì, 22 Gennaio 2024
  • 14:00 - 17:00
    18:30 - 21:00
  • martedì, 23 Gennaio 2024
  • 09:00 - 10:30

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  1. Dear Assunta,
    I heard about your Loss and wanted to send you and your Family, my deepest and sincerest sympathies for the Passing of Your Beloved Mother. What a beautiful picture to commemorate her. May she Rest in Peace, at the side of God🙏

  2. Pino, Assunta, Adela, Daniella,
    My condolences to the family,
    She was an amazing lady n chef. 💐🙏
    Will never forget her.
    Pat Garippo ❤️

  3. Tutte le mie piu grandi condoglianze a tutta la famiglia. Quanti bei ricordi che ho conservato di Cristina et (zi Tonino) adesso riposano in pace. Una donna dinamica, amorevole, generosa, che si faceva volere bene da tutti.
    Coraggio, vi abbraccio forte.


  4. To the Forgione children, in-laws and grandchildren please accept our deepest sympathies on the passing of your loved one.

    Christina (and Antonio) were very dear to our parents Geltrude and Nicola Forgione and to all of us as well

    Our prayers go to you in this very difficult moment and pray that Cristina RIP

    she will now be reunited with her beloved husband

    Rosa and Paul

  5. My deepest sympathies to all the family .
    I have very fond memories of your mom❤️
    She was always so affectionate and her smile always lit up the room ❤️Sending you strength during this difficult time , Hugs,
    Angie Forgione (Geltrude & Nicola’s daughter)

  6. Our deepest condolences to the family. She will be remembered as a very friendly, warm and generous person. May God give you the strength to carry on during this difficult time.

    Gianna and Giuseppina Parente

  7. Hello Pino and family
    Our deepest sympathy to and your family
    There’s no words to say
    God be with her
    Rafi & Josee

  8. Dear Pino, Debra , Adele , Daniela and family.
    Janet and I send our most heartfelt condolences on the passing of your beloved mother.
    Her strength and love will be sorely missed but you will have all the good memories to remember.
    All our love
    Janet and Leo

  9. Pino and Family,
    Our sincerest and heartfelt condolences for your great loss. Sending love and stregth to you during this very diffult time.

    Jennifer and Bob

  10. Dearest Pino & Debbie & Family, Sending you deepest sympathies at this saddest of times. Your beautiful Mom will always live on in all the hearts she has left behind. Thoughts and prayers are with you all. Fondly, Rhonda & Mike

  11. Dear Pino and Adele,
    Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the passing away of your mother.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you both and with your family.
    Take care,

  12. Dear Pino,
    Our deepest condolences to you and your family. May your Moms Matriarch legacy live forever. God bless,
    Julie & Scott

  13. Dear Pino and family
    Please accept our deepest condolences on the passing of your Mom.

  14. so sorry for your loss my heart is with you during this time
    sending lots of love to you and your family
    love you guys

  15. Dearest Pino
    Very sorry for your loss, sending you and yours our deepest condolences
    I have such fond memories of her❣️
    Esther and Gianni

  16. Dear Pino
    Very sad to hear of your Mom’s passing
    Sending you and yours our deepest condolences
    Esther And Gianni

  17. Dearest Pino
    Very sorry for your loss and sending you and yours our deepest condolences
    Esther, Gianni and Jesse

  18. Dear Pino,
    My sincere condoleances to you and your family for your loss. Thinking of you.