Carmela Angelina Paolitto Todaro

Carmela Angelina Paolitto Todaro

6 Settembre 1937 - 13 Ottobre 2020

Martedi 13 ottobre 2020, all’ età di 83 anni è venuta a mancare all’affetto dei suoi cari la nostra cara Carmela Angelina Paolitto Todaro.Moglie di fu Francesco Todaro, Carmela Angelina lascia nel dolore il figlio Pasqualino e la moglie Charline, la figlia Rosalina ed il marito Luigi, le nipotine Natasha, Tiara, Melissa ed Amanda, ed i nipoti a Montelongo: Celestino, Gino e Peppino fu Loreta (sorella) e Pietro Paolitto, e tutti gli altri familiari, parenti ed amici.

Luogo di funerali

Il funerale avrà luogo il 23 Ottobre 2020 alle 17:30 presso Our Lady of Pompei church (2875 Rue Sauvé E, Montréal, QC H2B 1C6), seguito dalla sepoltura in cimitero Le Repos St.Francois D`Assise (6893, rue Sherbrooke Est Montréal (Québec) H1N 1C7)

Orario di visita

Complexe Funéraire Loreto
4975 boul des Grandes Prairies, St-Léonard, QC, H1R 1A5
  • venerdì, 23 Ottobre 2020
  • 13:00 - 17:00

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  1. Condoglianze
    Pasqualino, Rosalina e famiglie.
    Angelina ci manchera con il suo sorriso, i suoi saluti a messa a Pompei .
    Il Signore gli ha gia dato riposo eterno, e a voi possa darvi tanto conforto.

    Angelo e Rosanna Civitella

  2. Nous vous souhaitons nos plus sincères condoléances. Sachez que nos pensées sont avec vous en ces moments difficiles. Rosalie, je garde un beau souvenir de ta maman, souriante, chaleureuse et très accueillante. Je vous embrasse fort et espère que nous aurons la chance de se réunir en 2021.
    Sylvie, Yves et Lyssandra xxxxxxx

  3. Our deepest sympathies from our family to yours. Your mother will always be fondly remember. May she Rest In Peace along side your dad.
    Judy Dominic and family

  4. Our deepest sympathies to your family from ours. Your mother will always be remembered with fondness. May she Rest In Peace along side your dad.
    Judy Dominic and family

  5. Our deepest condolences, Heaven has added another angel to its ranks, your mom was such a kind person. God bless you and your family and know she will be watching over you during the most difficult times.🙏🙏

  6. It is with deep regrets that we found out of the passing of your dear mother, it brings many memories with our families together. May God be with you.
    My deepest Condolences to all your family.
    Antonietta D’Addario
    Santino Quercia

  7. So sorry to hear about the passing of your dear mother. Please accept our deepest condolences. May the memories of her love for all of you keep you through these difficult and sad times. May she Rest in Peace. 🤗😥🕯🕯

  8. Our deepest condolences to the Todaro Family for your loss. Very fond memories of your Mother, cherish them and they will help you during this time.

  9. Le mie più sincere condoglianze alla famiglia. Che Dio vi da il conforto e la tranquillità che cerchate e che l’anima della persona amata riposi in pace.

  10. Although it’s difficult today to see beyond the sorrow. May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow. Sincere condolences from Rosetta, Christopher and Charles.

  11. All our deepest condolences to your entire family. Was a great woman and may she Rest In Peace . 🙏